FREE Stock Photo Usage Rights

Image License Terms

Since you have better things to do than try to understand a complex image license, all the high-resolution, copyright-free images in the FREE Stock Photos section of my website fall under easy-to-follow image usage rights.

Please note, that the image copyright remains the property of Reyher Photo, so you cannot redistribute, resell or claim the images as your own. Read what you CAN and CANNOT DO with my FREE Stock Photos below.

Things You CAN DO with My FREE Stock Photos

  • Share the photos using links to our site. Think of anyone who may find them useful – graphic and web designers, bloggers, publishers, etc.
  • Use them on your website/blog
  • Use them in ad campaigns on any media
  • Use them in print runs of any size
  • Incorporate the photos in your merchandise (provided the image itself is not the merchandise).
  • Make modifications to the images – color-correction and conversion, adding creative filters, adding logo or caption.
  • Give us credit in the form of a DoFollow link ( on websites/blogs or as copy on printed pieces. You don’t have to provide attribution, but it is greatly appreciated, and helps spread the word 🙂

Things You CANNOT DO with My FREE Stock Photos

  • You CANNOT use my photos for criminal, pornographic, defamatory and/or degrading purposes.
  • You CANNOT imply that ReyherPhoto has endorsed you or your product/s.
  • You CANNOT use, sell, upload or redistribute my photos on stock photography sites or apps, both free and/or paid.
  • You CANNOT imply that my pictures were taken by you.
  • You CANNOT sell or redistribute my images in any manner whatsoever.
  • You CANNOT sell a printed version of the image.

If you have a question, feel free to contact me.

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